Authors should indicate their preference (oral or poster presentation) while submitting their paper. During the submission, the subject of the work should be chosen form the subtitles listed below:
- Bioengineering
- Environmental Biotechnology
- Industrial Biotechnology
- Food Biotechnology
- Animal Biotechnology
- Nanobiotechnology
- Agricultural Biotechnology
- Medical Biotechnology
Only the first letter of abstract title should be capitalized (Abbreviation should not be used in the title).
The submission and presentation language is “Turkish”. “English” is applicable just for foreign authors.
“Name-Surname”, “Institution” and “City” information of authors should be indicated clearly in the relevant section. But except this any sentences to introduce the institution or researchers should not be stated in abstract of papers.
Academic titles should not be used in names.
The researcher who will make the presentation should be specified among the researchers of paper.
Abstracts should be arranged according to the following sections but these sections should not be used again in abstract as titles.
- Instruction
- Materials and Methods
- Findings
- Result and Discussion
Projects / research supports of the submitted study should be stated in the section named “Your Message to the Scientific Committee”.
The papers that are still in progress and of which results have not been received yet, and the studies that do not include the sections stated above (except case reports) will not be evaluated.
Since the papers submitted by online “Paper Submission” module will be printed as they are attention should be paid to misspellings. Writers are responsible for all misspellings.
Information Video About Paper Submission Module: